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An in-depth analysis of the controversy between UMA token and prediction market

2024-09-15 01:12:15

Ever since prediction markets were first mentioned in the Ethereum white paper, the concept has become a hot topic in the cryptocurrency space. Prediction markets allow users to place bets on the outcome of real-world events, such as elections or sports results, in a decentralized and trustless manner. However, with the continuous development of this field, the controversial issues faced by prediction markets have gradually surfaced, becoming an urgent problem that the decentralized finance (DeFi) community needs to solve.

What is the prediction mark et controversy?

Prediction market disputes often arise from users’ different interpretations of event outcomes. As a hypothetical example, one user asked the market question on the prediction platform: "Will Trump mention the wall at the next debate?" During the rally, Trump did mention a wall, but whether he specifically mentioned it. The "separation wall" has become the focus of controversy. One user thought Trump mentioned "the wall," while another thought he just mentioned a wall, an ambiguity that complicates how to resolve the dispute.

When participants disagree on the outcome of an event, prediction market disputes will occur. Such disputes not only affect user experience, but also pose a potential threat to the credibility of the platform.

The intractability of the dispute

In prediction markets, the complexity of disputed issues is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Zero-sum game: The essence of the prediction market is a zero-sum game. The opposition of interests between winners and losers makes the dispute more intense. When users suffer losses in markets with unclear outcomes, they tend to dispute the results, especially where subjective interpretation is involved.

Inter-Subjective Perception: The nature of disputes is subjective, and participants’ personal interpretations may lead to different perceptions of the “true” outcome. For example, if there is ambiguity about market rules or expected outcomes, participants' interpretations may produce conflicting opinions.

Strong incentives for dishonesty

In situations where the outcome is unclear, users have a strong incentive to object, possibly for honest reasons but also for dishonest motives. Some users may try to influence the resolution of disputes by lying or spreading false information.

Poor user experience: Disputes not only damage the trust relationship between users and the platform, but may also lead to user loss. A successful prediction market needs to provide a seamless and trustworthy user experience, and unfair resolution of disputes undermines this.

Reduce the risk of prediction market disputes

Although disputes are inevitable in prediction markets, platforms can reduce the occurrence of disputes through some strategies:

Provide clear market conditions: Make sure the “yes” and “no” market conditions are clear.

Define reliable sources of market solutions

Identify sources of market solutions to reduce unnecessary disputes.

Clarify market rules: Provide detailed explanations of unclear market rules to reduce misunderstandings among participants.

Using UMA to resolve prediction market disputes

Decentralized and transparent mechanisms are particularly important when it comes to resolving prediction market disputes. UMA's Optimistic Oracle is an effective tool. Optimistic oracles use a unique data verification mechanism (DVM) to verify real-world information on the chain. This mechanism adopts the Schelling point method, which uses a group of rational strangers to vote on the dispute to reach a natural focus and reach a reasonable and fair conclusion.

This approach taps into the wisdom of the crowd and reduces the possibility of manipulation or bias. To date, the optimistic oracle has successfully resolved more than 22,000 outcome assertions with a dispute rate of only 1.67%. Multiple prediction market platforms, including Polymarket, are also using Optimistic Oracle to resolve disputes.


Controversy is a natural challenge for decentralized prediction markets, arising from the intersubjective nature of real-world events and the powerful economic incentives involved. Different prediction market platforms have adopted a variety of methods to resolve these disputes, and UMA believes in the power of decentralized, community-driven solutions. Optimistic Oracles make it possible to resolve disputes in a fair and transparent manner.

As prediction markets grow and become an integral part of the DeFi ecosystem, the ability to resolve disputes fairly and transparently will continue to be critical. Only through effective dispute resolution mechanisms can prediction markets further promote the innovation and development of decentralized finance.


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